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Kinugasayama Park 衣笠山公園

kinugasa yama park kinugasa yama park
kinugasa yama park kinugasa yama park

A fantastic park and playground with panoramic views all the way to Tokyo Bay

Right in the center of the Miura Peninsula is Kinugasayama Park, an expanse that's largely been left to the vagaries of nature. It's a great spot for nature lovers and picnickers, and in spring has one of the most stunning displays of cherry blossoms in the region.

Quick Facts

At the top of the park, you can see the city of Yokosuka and all the way to Tokyo Bay

There is a famous playground in the park

How to Get There

You can reach the park by train and then a long walk or a shorter taxi ride.

JR Kinugasa Station is one hour and 20 minutes from Tokyo Station , 50 minutes from Yokohama on the JR Yokosuka Line. From there, it's a 25-minute walk to the entrance of the park.

There's no other way to say it

The best time to visit the park is during cherry blossom season. Some 2,000 cherry trees grace the park's hills, and the sight of them blooming is gorgeous and ethereal.

Playground and panorama

Besides an extensive playground, the park's year-round main attraction is the natural habitat that makes up this vast area in the middle of the Miura Peninsula.

And then there's the view, which you'll see after a fairly good climb over well-maintained paths. It stretches out over the surrounding area, from the city of Yokosuka to the Tokyo Bay shipping lanes.

Food during cherry blossom time

During cherry blossom season, yatai food stalls offer all sorts of tasty foods, but for the rest of the year, you'll want to bring your own picnic provisions.


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