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Suntory Tokyo-Musashino Brewery サントリー〈天然水のビール工場〉東京・武蔵野

Suntory Brewery Musashino Factory Suntory Brewery Musashino Factory
Suntory Brewery Musashino Factory Suntory Brewery Musashino Factory

Quaff some of the local brew and see how it is made

One of the premier beer brands in Japan, Suntory offers free tours of their brewery in Musashino. Get to know this brewery with its rich history and learn how they make their well-loved products. At the end of the tour, you will also get to taste freshly poured beer, all for free. Do not forget to check out the gift shop for limited products and offers.

How to Get There

The Suntory Musashino Brewery, around 30 minutes away from central Tokyo, can be accessed by train and a bus. Get on the Keio Line at Shinjuku Station and get off at Bubaigawara Station. A free shuttle bus to the factory is available outside the station.

The latest information may differ, so please check the official website.

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