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Motomachi (Hyogo) 元町(兵庫)

Motomachi -Hyogo Motomachi -Hyogo
Motomachi -Hyogo Motomachi -Hyogo

Kobe's seaside entertainment and shopping nexus

Kobe's Motomachi district is one of the city's most popular, lively destinations, full of great eateries and pubs. It is also close to many of the area's biggest tourist attractions and the city's Chinatown .

Quick Facts

You can eat your way around Motomachi at the countless restaurants and cafes in the area

Kakyo Rekishi Hakubutsukan provides a comprehensive breakdown of Kobe's international history

Go up Kobe Port Tower to view the city from another angle

How to Get There

To visit Motomachi, take the JR Kobe line to Motomachi Station, in the heart of the area.

Culture and leisure

Kobe's Motomachi lies between Nankinmachi —Kobe's Chinatown district—and the foreign settlement area of Kobe Kyu-kyoryuchi, which came into being during the 19th century. The area is a hub for culture, history, and entertainment.

Populated by small and medium-sized restaurants, cafes, and shops, this shopping district is one of the city's major central reality and entertainment hotspots.


Motomachi is next door to Kobe-ko Chuo Tsutsumi, also known as the Central Dike, the city's main port area. Many of the area's main tourist attractions are located here.

Kobe Port Tower and museums

The Kobe Port Tower and Kobe Maritime Museum are both a stone's throw away from Motomachi, making the area an excellent place to explore during a free afternoon.

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Nankin-machi -China Town
Kobe Chinatown

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