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Yonago Waterbird Sanctuary 米子水鳥公園

Yonago Mizutori Waterbird Park Yonago Mizutori Waterbird Park
Yonago Mizutori Waterbird Park Yonago Mizutori Waterbird Park

A wetland bird refuge with views of Mt. Daisen

Yonago Waterbird Sanctuary is a great place to visit for those who have a strong interest in ornithology, as well as those who appreciate nature and wildlife.

How to Get There

Yonago Waterbird Sanctuary is accessible by car.

The park is a 20-minute drive from Yonago Kitaro Airport and a 15-minute drive from JR Yonago Station.

Several species of birds

The waterfowl sanctuary was registered as a Ramsar site in 2005. A Ramsar Site is a wetland considered of international importance under the UNESCO Ramsar Convention. Over 200 varieties of birds are known visitors to the sanctuary including illustrious greater white-fronted geese, white-tailed eagles, eastern marsh harriers and several species of heron and duck. Approximately 1,000 tundra swans live in the area from mid-October until March.

The observation hall has indoor and outdoor viewing areas with a number of telescopes and binoculars on hand for visitors to use freely.

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