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Osado Skyline 大佐渡スカイライン

Osado Skyline Osado Skyline
Osado Skyline Osado Skyline

Drive the Osado Skyline for a commanding view of Sado Island's terrain

A scenic road through the Osado Mountains of northern Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture , the Osado Skyline offers grand views for 30 kilometers. The route, which goes between Kanai and Aikawa, is a windy, toll-free mountain road. At the end of the drive, you will reach the Sado Gold Mine Museum .

Don't Miss:

  • The scenic 30-kilometer route between Kanai and Aikawa
  • Panoramic views of Sado Island from a peak 942 meters high

How to Get There

After a ferry or jetfoil ride from the mainland, you can reach the road by bus or car.

By car, the road is about 15 minutes away from Ryotsu Port. Turn in at the Osado Skyline Iriguchi on route 350 in Kanai.

Bus tours of the Osado Skyline are available from Niigata Kotsu Sado Co. Ltd.

Get stunning views at the highest point

The Osado Skyline can only be accessed by private vehicles since public buses do not travel along this route. The whole drive takes about an hour and offers panoramic views of various landmarks of the island at the highest point of 942 meters. From there, you can see Mano Bay, Ryotsu Bay, Kuninaka Plain, and the Kosado Mountains.

When to visit

There is a rest area with a viewing deck, restaurant, and toilets along the Osado Skyline. Although Sado is beautiful throughout the seasons, autumn is by far the best time for visitors to make this drive.

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