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Festivals & Events

Usuki Takeyoi うすき竹宵

Usuki-Takeyoi tikuraku& Sen'nen-Akari Usuki-Takeyoi tikuraku& Sen'nen-Akari
Usuki-Takeyoi tikuraku& Sen'nen-Akari Usuki-Takeyoi tikuraku& Sen'nen-Akari

Three local festivals that illuminate and celebrate Oita's famous bamboo

Oita Prefecture is Japan's number one producer of madake, or Japanese timber bamboo. In celebration of that heritage, many local festivals use bamboo in various ways.

Usuki Takeyoi in Usuki City , Taketa Chikuraku in Taketa City and Sen'nen-Akari in Hita City are three such local events worth seeing if you find yourself in the area in November.

Don't Miss

  • Local craftspeople cutting bamboo and making art with it
  • Bamboo lanterns making the narrow streets glow
  • The light from bamboo lanterns reflecting off the river in the evening

How to Get There

Oita Station is the main hub of the events, which is served by the Kyudai, Hohi and Nippo main lines, offering access to much of Kyushu.

For Usuki Takeyoi, take a 38-minute ride from Oita Station to Usuki Station by limited express train on the JR Main Nippo Line. For Taketa Take-tourou Chikuraku, take the JR Hohi Line from Oita Station for about 80 minutes and get off at Bungo-Taketa Station. For Sen'nen-Akari, take the Kyudai Line from Oita Station and get off at Hita Station.

Usuki Takeyoi—the celebration of Princess Hannyahime

During the first week in November, participants in this festival light up bamboo to guide the soul of Princess Hannyahime to her parents.

Making lanterns and art objects from bamboo plays an important part, and begins in August with the cutting of bamboo in the mountains.

Community organizations, including local schools, businesses, and local government, cooperate to make the lanterns and art.

Taketa Take-tourou Chikuraku—the castle festival

Held over three days in mid-November, this festival involves lighting 20,000 bamboo lanterns in the castle town of Taketa . Don't miss the moment the lanterns are lit around sunset when the colors are particularly vibrant and stunning.

Sen'nen-Akari—a river of lanterns

During this event, some 30,000 bamboo lanterns are lit up around the Kagetsu River, which runs through Mameda town. Check out the various events that are held in Mameda during the festival, which is hosted in November.

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