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Oyasu Ravine 小安峡

oyasu ravine oyasu ravine
oyasu ravine oyasu ravine

A lush valley full of onsen, year-round recreation and a Bathtub of Hell

Located at the entrance to Kurikoma Quasi-National Park, Oyasu Ravine has V-shaped cliffs that are four kilometers long and 60 meters high, creating a dramatic sight.

Walk down the stairs to the bottom of the valley where you will see a hot river, enveloped by lush trees and small waterfalls. Heated by natural thermal currents, the river creates clouds of steam.

Don't Miss

  • The scenic spot of Daifunto—the Bathtub of Hell
  • The sound of the hot spring bubbling up from the ground
  • Walking through hot mist as you explore the valley

How to Get There

Oyasu Ravine can be accessed from Yuzawa Station.

From JR Akita Station, take the JR Ou Honsen Line for about 35 minutes to Yuzawa Station. From Yuzawa Station, take the Ugo Kotsu bus to Oyasu-Onsen. The journey takes about 55 minutes.

Rest and relaxation

Oyasukyo Onsen is a mountain hot spring overlooking the ravine from near Kawarayu Bridge. From your bathtub, you can look out over the whole ravine. Enjoy views of the lush vegetation in spring and summer, tinted leaves in autumn, and icicles and snow in winter.

At nearby Tokoton Hill, you can camp, or relax in the open-air hot spring.

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