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Usa-jingu Shrine 宇佐神宮

Usa Shrine Usa Shrine
Usa Shrine Usa Shrine

Home of the war god worshipped as the protective deity of the Imperial capital

Usa-jingu is believed to be the first shrine in Japan in which the deity Hachiman was enshrined in the eighth century. As such, it has enjoyed the deep respect and patronage of the Imperial family, and is the head shrine of all Japan's shrines dedicated to the deities of protection and military fortune.

Don't Miss

  • The contrasting white earthen walls and vermilion pillars
  • The two distinct buildings, one for the god's use during the day, and the other for the night

How to Get There

You can reach the shrine by train and then by taxi.

Usa Station is served by the Nippo Honsen line, connecting Usa and Hakata. Take a taxi from there.

Two homes for the god

There are two buildings situated in front of each other, according to the building style of the time. The front area is where the god stays during daytime, while the back area serves as his sleeping chamber.

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