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Miyajidake-jinjya Shrine 宮地嶽神社

Miyajidake-jinjya Shrine Miyajidake-jinjya Shrine
Miyajidake-jinjya Shrine Miyajidake-jinjya Shrine

Home to a three-ton rope and Japan's “Manhattanhenge”

Located to the east of Fukuoka, Fukutsu City is a popular spot for visitors. Its biggest attraction is Miyajidake-jinja, a shrine that attracts over two million visitors annually.

How to Get There

The closest train station to Miyajidake-jinja Shrine is Fukuma, which can be reached in just over 20 minutes from Hakata Station.

From Fukuma Station, take the #1-1 bus to Tsuyazaki-bashi and get off at "Miyajidake-jinjya-mae". Then continue by foot to the shrine.

It is all about the sunset

Miyajidake-jinja Shrine is famous for its sunsets. The main boulevard leading away from the shrine is perfectly straight. It runs from the hill the shrine is based on all the way to the sea, a kilometer and a half to the west. Every February and October around the 20th, the sun sets perfectly in line with the boulevard, in a similar fashion to New York's “Manhattanhenge.”

Night activities

At midnight on the first day of each month, a small prayer ceremony takes place at the shrine called Tsuitachi Mairi. During this ceremony, the paths leading to the shrine are lined with various souvenir and food shops that remain open late into the night.

Japan's best three

The shrine is famous for its shimenawa, a straw rope that decorates the main shrine and weighs three tons. On the grounds, there is also a large bell and taiko drum. Collectively, these three objects are known as “Japan's Best Three.”

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