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Uwajima Ushioni Festival うわじま牛鬼まつり

Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Matsuri Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Matsuri
Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Matsuri Warei Taisai Festival & Uwajima Ushi-Oni Matsuri

Feel the fever of a monstrously unique festival

Takebora flutes, taiko drums, and shouts of excitement fill the streets of Uwajima during the raucous Uwajima Ushioni Matsuri.

Quick Facts

The festival takes place over three days, from July 22 to July 24

The ushioni bull demons that parade the streets stand up to six meters high and are constructed on bamboo frames

The head is a cross between a bull and a demon

How to Get There

Events take place across Uwajima City and venues are accessible on foot from Uwajima Station.

From Matsuyama, take an 80-minute JR Express Uwakai train to Uwajima Station.

Don't Miss

  • Giant, fantastical bull demons parading the streets
  • Fantastic fireworks displays

Festival overview

Head to Kisaiya Road and Ushioni Street on July 22 for the dance festival. On July 23, you can attend the cute kids' ushioni parade and the fireworks festival held over the waters of Uwajima Bay. See the climax of the festival on July 24, when ushioni and mikoshi shrines parade through the streets.

Bull sumo fights

See strange bull demons parade through the city, with mock fights taking place between different communities. During the festival, you're sure to catch a togyu bullfight at the Uwajima City Bull Ring. These bullfights are often described as bull sumo.

The latest information may differ, so please check the official website.

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