3 days
Plan your visit carefully and allow plenty of time for your activities in the park. Always check the latest weather information, and avoid overexerting yourself if you feel unwell.


Discover the Many Ways That History, Culture and Geology Connect in Hakone

Volcanic activity has shaped the terrain around Hakone, while human activity has shaped the ancient roadways and the hot spring culture of this fascinating area.

Itinerary Highlights

  • Walking ancient roads along avenues of giant Japanese cedars.

  • Mountain biking through a meadow of silvery pampas grass.

  • Gliding over fumaroles and volcanic landscapes on a ropeway.

Trip Overview

Walk ancient roads and visit an Edo period checkpoint
Ride alongside fields of pampas grass and glide up a mountain
Learn about the volcanic phenomena that are still active in Hakone
Day 1

Walk ancient roads and visit an Edo period checkpoint

Start by exploring the history of Hakone on foot. Hakone was a major checkpoint on the Old Tokaido Road; a route that connected Kyoto and Tokyo during the Edo period (1603–1867). Walk in the footsteps of nobles, samurai and pilgrims along a section of the historical cobblestone pavement and avenue of 400-year-old Japanese cedars.

Walk down to the shores of Lake Ashinoko for a view of Mount Fuji (depending on weather conditions), and enjoy refreshments at Amasake Chaya, currently run by the 13th generation of the founding family. Visit Hakone Sekisho, the Edo period checkpoint that strictly controlled the passage of travellers and weapons in and out of the capital.

In the afternoon, take a cruise around Lake Ashinoko and visit Hakone-jinja Shrine. The red Heiwa no Torii, or gate of peace, stands in the waters of Lake Ashinoko, and is a popular spot for photography.

Stay overnight on the north side of Lake Ashinoko, for convenient access to the next day's activities, and Hakone Ropeway Togendai Station.

Day 2

Ride alongside fields of pampas grass and glide up a mountain

Meet your guide at Hakone Visitor Center and enjoy the fresh morning air on a guided hiking and mountain biking tour. The route takes you past woodlands and fields of pampas grass, and around Lake Ashinoko. After the experience, you will return to the visitor center, with a range of lunch options within a short walk.

In the afternoon, take a bus from Kojiri Bus Stop (about 15 minutes on foot from Hakone Visitor Center) to Hakone Komagatake Ropeway. Enjoy the views as you glide to the Summit Station. It is a short walk to the summit of Mount Komagatake, a 1357-meter high lava dome created by a Hakone volcanic eruption around 40,000 years ago. Hakone Mototsumiya-jinja Shrine stands at the top.

After exploring the mountain, return to your accommodation for a relaxing hot spring bath.

Day 3

Learn about the volcanic phenomena that are still active in Hakone

Spend your last day in Hakone learning about the fascinating volcanic activity that shaped the area, from caldera lakes to geothermal springs. Explore volcanic landscapes on foot and by ropeway. This tour includes Owakudani, a volcanic valley that emits plumes of sulfuric steam from underground, and the nearby Hakone GeoMuseum. Enjoy this volcanic region through the eyes of a local, English-speaking volunteer guide.

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